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2nd Quarter of 2018



Hm, I don't consciously rememeber ever seeing Goofy with shaved limbs
like this before. I only remember him having fur covered arms and legs (maybe during the Goof Troop Era?). Well, that's intereesting how they change that little detail at will, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



Oh, this episode had an NBC's Heroes-like feel to it. I hope this vibe continues. The season's still young, & only time will tell, but I am confident that this show will have more satisfying mid-season skirmishes, & final confrontations in the finalé than Heroes.
(Cloak & Dagger; 1x3; Stained Glass)


Cute commercial, but I wouldn't let a baby watch FreeForm. Heck, I wouldn't even let a 13 year old watch Cloak & Dagger. & I'm not so sure 'fetch' should really be a thing? :/



Sheesh! Didn't this game have enough problems already, what with it's lack of servers, massive glitches, & having no other modes?



The Cloak & Dagger premiere was good. I liked it. It's off to a good start, but the part where she stabs the guy in the alley had conflicting continuity. She's scared main guy will I.D. her when he wakes up. There were 2 other guys there too. Can't they I.D. her, also? But somehow after she stabs the main guy, the other 2 are mysteriously edited out of the scene. It was like the script was saying it was 1 guy in the alley, but on film it was 3 guys... but not really. Even if the 2 other guys went elsewhere to keep watch, they still saw her face, so she can still be I.D.'d by them even if the guy in the hospital dies. I think someone made a mistake by putting 3 guys in that scene because now that particular subplot doesn't make any sense. That was a strange hiccup with something that's supposed to be an actual subplot, but otherwise it was good premiere. The writing format felt like Black Lightning, in the way that most (if not all) of the scenes were dedicated to driving the plot forward &/or character development, unlike Arrow & The Flash where there are multiple make-up/break-up/'stress on our relationship' scenes that have nothing to do with the heroics or driving the plot forward. Then again, this show is only 2 episodes old. Cloak & Dagger have always been about the relationship, but I hope that they don't have a bunch of throw-away relationship scenes like The Flash & Arrow have. I hope that they keep the relationship stuff more tight; in small doses; like Agents if S.H.I.E.L.D. & The X-Files -- or at least close to it.
(Cloak & Dagger; 1x1; First Light)
(Cloak & Dagger; 1x2; Suicide Sprints)


I can't stand these people that post something unrelated to the group's topic in a group. You know the type. That guy that captions the post as "Not comic, anime, or manga related, BUT...", as if to say "Hey, let me tell everyone else that this is in no way related to the topic of the group first before I get a bombarded with people telling me that this is in no way related to the topic of the group, while simultaneously posting whatever the heck I want!" Like, how is that even a good cover, or whatever? It's not like they are tricking anyone into thinking it's ok to do. Can't they just post that elsewhere? There are literally thousands of other groups to post it in. Otherwise, why even have group topics!? Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to not post the same thing everywhere. See, this is exactly why I left many blerd pages on Fabeook; because they wanted to start posting these racism posts. I'm sitting there like "... Ok, great. Um... I belong to other pages that handle this sort of thing. I'm not coming to a blerd page to see this. I'm not going to go without knowing this racist thing that happened in the world just because you didn't post it in a blerd page. Thanks." That would be sad if someone only knew about something serious because it happened was posted on a fantasy page. I don't need all of my Facebook pages to be an All Point Bulletin for anything going on in the world. I also don't need A.P.B.'s on memes unrelated to the page's topic either.



Ah, yes. 2 a.m. The night owl's midnight. :)


So, it seems the new trend is to crush people to death by mentally balling them up into themselves. XD XD XD I can't help but think that it would've been much more surprising to see it happen in Legin, had I not seen it happen a bunch fo times in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. first, but the crunching bone, & squishing flesh sounds still helped it to have a high gross-out factor. Everytime Talbot does it, I hear my internal voice say 'Fatailty' in Shao Kahn's voice. Then I heard it again when David did it. XD XD XD But what happened to the other police officer that got propelled into the air? Is he still being propelled in that direction in space??? Wow. I mean, I was really waiting for him to come back down, & go splat or something. Anyways, Speaking of fatalities, Kerry's sword slice right down the middle was my favorite part. Pleeease tell me someone made a gif of that.
(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; 5x19, Option Two)
(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; 5x20; The One Who Will Save Us)
(LEGI⨂N; 2x6; Chapter 14)


Ah, so they didn't show Donald twice during the show's intro -- just him spinning around to reveal his face a 2nd time as the announcer said his rap persona's name. Well, that certainly works too. Kinda clever. Still would've been funny to show 2 pictures or video clips. It is a comedy show, after all. Anyways, I noticed an over-use of the B word as a punchline in many of the sketches of this episode. Ok, well, not a punchline, but they overly used it as a 'laugh here' type of device. Well, anyways, I'm glad that Childish Gambino's musical performances were clean, because I don't want him banned from the show. I'm still unclear if Dave Chappelle & A Tribe Called Quest are banned. :\
(Saturday Night Live; 43x19; Donald Glover/Childish Gambino)



Quake vs. Yo-Yo! Awesome! We all know that Yo-Yo was holding back. We all saw how she Captain America'd that punching bag some episodes ago. She those super fast punches to  Quake's gut could've been more than just love taps. I do like how eventhough they were fighting eachother, you could see that there was still a mutial respect going on there. Anyways, I'd like to see Yo-Yo punch a bad guy like that... hard. All of this time, I was thinking that all she could do was take guns super fast, or place bombs super fast. I never thought about Yo-Yo potentially comboing someone's rib cage to smitherines if she wanted. :O Oh yeah, & I know I said it was good that Talbot got a story arc, but wow, this guy needs to be stopped at all costs! He's waaay out of hand.
(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; 5x20; The One Who Will Save Us All)


Wow. Are these movie-goers getting spoiled enough??? Black Panther, Ready Player One, Infinity War, & it's not even Summer yet!



Great season finalé for Black Lightning. There were only 2 hiccups for me with this episode (but none with any of the other 12).

Huccup #1: As I've previously stated, I hate the cliché of a character going into a coma (or whatever it happens to be), & they there's some jive turkey catharsis dream. It's been so overly-done; Power Rangers: Dino Thunder, Buffy, Supergirl, Gotham (twice), etc. Can we just let it go? I'm tired of that happening. I will say this though, the catharsis dream was very poignant; very heartfelt -- plus it didn't last long -- so that's a positive for me, a guy that usually squirms & rolls my eyes throughout these scenes. Leave it to Black Lightning to make me actually like a catharsis dream scene, right? I think that this catharsis dream stuff is like cinnomon -- meaning it should only be used in small amounts, sparingly -- not used to make a whole meal (or episode) -- & that's what this episode did.

Hicupp #2: During a flashback, the young Jefferson asked his father "What should I do, just let the kids beat me up?", the father doesn't answer. Instead, he quotes Malcom X, or somebody -- & I'm sitting there like "Wow... Dude... You literally didn't answer the question. Your son doesn't need a quote, he needs a simplistic solution to a simplistic problem." This part was poorly written. I've seen this happen in many TV shows & movies. The parent should ALWAYS say: "Go get the teacher, & tell them what happened. That way, you won't get in trouble, & the other kids will get in trouble." ... S I M - P L E... Yet somehow, this is never said in TV shows or movies -- not even in cartoons nowadays, unless it's pre-school shows. 1 of the reasons why so many people are in prison nowadays is because they never were taught, at a young age, the fundamental tactic of utilizing the authority figure when there is 1, before a problem can escalates any further. But, no... Jeferson Pierce's father, & Peter Parker's uncle only have 1-liners, that are words 1 can live by, but only seems to bring the bully back for more, instead of nipping that particular problem in the bud. For a guy that's supposed to be so book smart, Jefferson's father sure didn't know how to handle a grade school problem. It seemed like he was programmed to feed his kid 'book quotes' when ever there was a problem. Well, I'm glad that when Jefferson feeds his daughters quotes, it's a bit more conducive to solving their problems. I can't get over that flashback scene. It was like, "Dad, I got in trouble at school for fighting. What am I supposed to do next time?" "Well, I don't know about that, but I'm ashamed of you, Jefferson. Go read The Declaration of Independence." I mean, what the heck, dude??? o.O I was like, "Wow, parent much???" Gambi is a better father to Jefferson, than that guy was. In fact, you could see during all of the flashbacks of this episode, that this is true. Gambi was literally there for him, when Jeff's father wasn't. Oh, & let's not forget Gambi telling Black Lightning not to engage Whale in the previous episode. As we could see from the outcome, that was good advice.

Ok, so, in conclusion: Great season, & great finalé. There were a few times this finalé tripped on it's own feet to stop it from being a trully flawless season. So, all-in-all. I can give the 1st season an A, but not an A+.
(Black Lightning; 1x13; Shadow of Death: The Book of War)



HAHAHAHA So, wait. Let me get this straight. Mon El can't fight to save his life against humanoid villains, but he he's somehow a crime-fighting 
wonder against a mechanical T-Rex when he has an industrial-sized nylon tarp because he can do... 'CAPE TRICKS'??? XD XD XD HAHAHHA What a joke! Ahhh, so that's why he couldn't fight ALL this time, he didn't have a cape to use as a weapon. Silly me! Well, I see that he will be wearing his Legionaire uniform in the next episode, so bad guys beware, Mon El is on the prowl... WITH HIS CAPE -- & he's a real tough guy with it, too!

Anyways, it was good to see The Guardian in action -- even if he wasn't in full garb. The flying monkey's attack was kinda funny. Not funny simply because it was mechanical, flying monkeys, but because they were trying to make the fight look so cool, & flashy against flying monkeys. What was with the slow motion & the no-look staff hit, Kara? The Guardian jumped in the air, & punched the heck out of a monkey -- & he looked super cool doing it, but I was like "Come on, man." XD XD XD I guess they were trying to make the most out of what they had to work with this week. Save some of that seriousness for a serious end-of-the-season villain horde, eh? XD But, yeah, for a fuller episode this was cool. I wanted it to be an actual Reign episode, but this was cool, I guess.

Anybody else thought Winn's mother might have been a bad guy? (Maybe Im having residual effects of Scream 2. ;P) Anybody else thought Winn killed his mother when he pulled that lever to release her? Cool little mysteries, & directorial choices sprinkled in there to keep it from being boring, or too predictable. I can't believe they killed off ToyMan. He hasn't really been utilized. Well, maybe he's still alive somewhere. I t is a comic show, after all. I hope there's more Reign, & Guardian next week. Fingers crossed it's not some jive turkey Mon El script.
(Supergirl; 3x14; Schott Through the Heart)


Donald Glover is hosting SNL, & Childish Gambino is performing as the musicacal guest on May 5th. Are they really gonna put his picture up twice in the show's intro for each persona??? XD XD XD
That's actually kinda neat. I'll be watching for that part.



Well, that was a bit anti-climactic... 1st Ruby gets knocked unconscious by Quake before she even sees her, then she wakes back up only to get knocked unconscious during a straight fight (in the same 5 minutes). Knock me out once: shame on you, knock me out twice: shame on me. Yo-Yo can't use her awesome arms & powers at the same time??? o.O Total bummer, dude! Well, when Fitz finally recalibrates them, they should be good to go -- & I certainly look forward to that! FItz/Simmons seem to be a bit preoccupied at the moment, though. So, will Yo-Yo be fighting Ruby next week??? I hope so. She totally represented against Ivanov. 💪 Ruby shouldn't be too hard to beat, even with the Strucker boy helping. Let's just hope she doesn't get juiced by that special chamber before then, because next week's promo shows her in it! :O Anyways, it's cool to see Talbot actually get a plotline. They are taking a lot of chances with him character-wise. That's cool. He was always a good fit for this type of show.
(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; 5x17; The Honeymoon)



Ah, so Jerome's I was right about Jerome's brother possibly becoming The Joker. But, see, now I'm even more paranoid. After all of these years of potential red herring Jokers, & fan thoeries, I have to ask: Is Jeremiah REALLY going to be The Joker, or is this yet another ruse??? Could this be THE ULTIMATE RUSE??? I won't feel satisfied until I actually see them call him The Joker. Heck, I won't be satisfied until Jeremiah, himself, calls himself The Joker! No little playing cards, or clever play-on-words like with past Jerome episode promos. I want to know if Jeremiah really is the real deal! Oh, yeah, & what took The Penguin so long to stop the blimp pilot? In season 1, we see him fall into the river, swim the river, come to shore, kill 2 guys, & steal their food. So, why was he such a slouch against 1 guy with a gun, in a trance, with his back turned in season 4??? What??? Is he getting soft or something??? That wasn't exactly characteristic of The Penguin. I thought he would've unleashed the beast on that pilot.
(Gotham; 4x18; Dark Knight: That's Entertainment)



Whoa! Cool school fights! I'll be Youtubing those fights later, once someone uploads the whole thing. I was totally going to be content with this episode just being an intel. gathering type of deal, but to see Khalil with super powers, & causing chaos so soon works too. 👍 Well, I guess I can't say it's 'so soon' with the season finalé coming next week. With the main good guys vs. the main bag guys in this episode, all I can say is that this episode is a strong contender for my #1 spot of My Top 5 Shows this week. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had better come with the pain this Friday if they want to keep the top spot.
(Black Lightning; 1x12; The Resurrection & the Light: The Book of Pain)



When I saw Salli Richardson-Whitfield's name in the opening credits, I was a bit bummed-out to see that she was directing, but not acting in it. I mean, she's a talented director; the show was great. But when you see an attractive actress' name show up at the beginning, then of course you want to see her as a character in the show, right? I gotta say though, seeing ❤Ruth Negga❤ reprise her role in the final scene, more than made up for it. Okaaay, so now that my whole love-fest portion is over with, let's get into the actual episode. XD XD XD Great to see The Absorbing Man & Ruby get more action. I can't wait to see her double-cross her mother, if & when it comes to that. Speaking of double-crosses, that was funny how Jemma troll'd Mack. XD But wow, I thought ALL of the glasses had water in them. She really showed her conviction when she poured-out the contents of that last glass! O.O So, Fitz says that his grandson looks nothing like him. Welp! There goes my fan theory about Jemma vomiting after finding out that Deke was her grandson because she was previously attracted to him due to looking like her husband. Although, Fitz likeness notwithstanding, his body-type, weight, & ethnicity, are still that of Fitz', so my fan theory could still be true. Next week: Quake vs. Ruby! Can't wait!
(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; 5x16 ; Inside Voices)



Cool epsiode, as usual. But it was especially cool seeing the rogues gallery all in 1 room at 1 time like that; a sign of things to come, indeed. I wonder if Jerome killed the lady on the elevator, or if he let her go. That was kinda scary in a claustrophobic way, when Gordon & Bullock got separated from Jeremiah in his own maze. Could you imagine being in that maze for weeks with no food or water, wandering around aimlessly through, & nobody knows where you are??? :O Would've been cool it they'd milked that a little bit more. But of course, Gordon & Bullock make it out before the end of the episode because they are the main characters, right? So no harm, no foul to them. Gotta love that good ol' plot armor, right? They still haven't officially called Jerome The Joker yet, & we all rememeber the multiple red herrings in the 1st & 2nd seasons of this show. So, let's not rule out the possibility of Jerome's twin brother Jeremiah somehow becoming The Joker. Uh, did they maybe go a little overboard on the special effect of the guy being exposed to the laughing gas at the end??? I remember seeing that effect used in a lot on kids movies & commercials whenever an animal had to talk. Using it here to warp the guy's smile felt a little bit out of place. Can you imagine many people being exposed to the laughing gas, & them using that same special effect on multiple people in 1 shot??? I'm not sure I'd like to see that too much...
(Gotham; 4x17; A Dark Knight: Mandatory Brunch Meeting)



Well, that was quite a season opener. Yep! LEGI⨂N is back -- & as confusing as ever! I have already formulated my theories on some things that are happening. The guy that you see dringing tea, or coffee, at the begining of the episode, I'm going to call The Tea Man, for now. So, the way I interpreted it, this guy has control of Oliver & The Shadow King inside of Oliver's body, & the dance battle scene was Oliver & The Shadow King reaching out to 1 of David's devious personalities to try to help free them, from The Tea Man's hold. I feel like when people do a dance battles against 1 another, it's to compete to see who is the best, but also because each dancer has respect for the others' skills. I feel that the dance symobolized a temporary peace offering between arch-foes, & The Shadow King was like, "Hey, look, I admire you're mental 'kung fu'. After all, you did beat me before, forcing me to flea the scene in your friend's body. Which brings me to my point: You're the only other 1 I know strong enough to stop this guy that's holding us prisoner. So, uh, could you help a guy out???" I also think the dance was their way of talking, without The Tea Man knowing exactly what they were saying to eachother.

UPDATE: Okaaaay. Apon further findings, that guy IS The Shadow King. Obvious to many others who have actually seen him like that in the comic, unlike myself. Plus that whole part where Lenny warned Oliver that they were trapped, threw me. I'm keeping my initial theory up here. It'll be interesting, to see it a year from now, maybe even extremely funny to me. Dang, I really, really liked my idea, though. :\ Oh, well... Maybe they'll do something similar in another season...

(LEGI⨂N; 2x1; Chapter 9)



Bill got promoted by exposing curruption in the Freeland Police Dept. Now he vows to strike out all curruption in the FPD. I just hope he doesn't get killed in the process. I'm thinking ahead to future seasons. The further you go into future seasons, the greater his chances of dying. Of course, he won't die in the 1st season; he just got a potential story arc. But, going into seasons 2, 3, 4, & beyond, I hope he watches his back -- & that Black Lightning watches his back too! I have a very distinct feeling things are about to get much more dangerous for him...
(Black Lightning; 1x11; Black Jesus: The Book of Crucifixion)



I have recently discovered Atari Teenage Riot. Where has this been all my life??? WOw. I never knew they existed (I don't think o.O) Anyways,
'SIck to Death' was the first song I heard. I can't seem to stop listening to them. I would have loved listening to this as a teenager; would have been the perfect thing! I really like their early stuff a bit better than their recent stuff, but I do appreciate that their sound has evolved. Some of the band members' solo stuff is great too. I'll have to check into more of this at a later time though.


Ok, internet, it's April Fools' Day. Entertain me.


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