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3rd Quarter of 2017 (Spoilers Below)





BBC Radio 5 Live: Are comic book fans turning their noses up at diverse characters?


Phil Lamarr, Kevin Smith, Robin & Rogue said it best in this video. Also, I look forward to the day that The Big 2 actually make diverse characters all willy-nilly when something big ISN'T happening in the news, or it's hashtag trending. Like for example, when all of these states were getting same sex marriage, they jumped on it so fast. I'm just over here like "Uh, ok, did you forget all about them since there's nothing happening in the news? Did they get flushed away in your reboots or what? I don't exactly see them gracing the covers at the moment. Oh, that's right, silly me. It's because it isn't popular at the moment..." It would be so awesome if they came up with new, unique super powers & put an all-new diverse hero on the cover who has the powers AND there was nothing super big happening in the news at the time ANNND this character stayed around prominently. But nope! It's all about dat quick cash grab. Well, it is a business, but I gotta say, something feels quite sleazy about using real world events for cash grabs. I mean, can't you just have Wolverine kill all of the X-Men in the 616 universe or something??? Sheesh...




Ewww. is starting to post some lame articles/lists. I don't even frequent that site daily, or even weekly; just once in a while -- but what I've seen show up in Facebook posts, makes me question their integrity. Maybe CBR should stop trying to post controversial stuff, just to get comments. We don’t want to see another comic site fiasco like Movie Pilot Superheroes was a few years ago. Movie Pilot Superheroes was just starting out though. Comic Book Resources isn’t anything new. Are they trying to stay on top, or GET on top, by doing this crap? Come on, CBR! Don’t be THAT guy…

Exhibit A:
15 Reasons X-Men Origins: Wolverine Is A Much Better Movie Than Logan
(One of the reasons is 'exquisite fight scenes', with a picture of Gambit vs. Wolverine. O.o May I remind everyone that Gambit was able twirl his staff around like a propeller to cushion his fall from a multiple story building, quake the whole alley with his powers, decide not to use that power move again to actually win the fight, stab his broken staff into a brick wall to climb the wall, run across the wall like he's Beast, & then cartwheel glide through the air like he's Cloud Strife. Yeah, uh, if I even saw Gambit do any of that IN A CARTOON, I'd be like "FAAAAKE!".)

Exhibit B: The 15 Worst Episodes Of X-Men: The Animated Series
(One of the oldest comic site tricks in the book; Take something that's well-liked & then complain about it.)

Exhibit C:
Does Mary Jane Still Have A Place In The Marvel Universe?
(Really? Mary Jane? The whole universe? How is this important, or even a relevant question to ask? She's a supporting cast member! Who the heck cares!?)


A lot of their content is actually usually good, but I think I'll avoid CBR for about a maybe 6 or 7 months. Maybe by then, they won't be posting so much click-bait troll material, or they will have fired the trolls that they already have.














I saw the premiere of the new DuckTales. It's pretty good. The modern type of cartoon comedy fits well with it. It seems to have the heart of the original DuckTales with a Gravity Falls vibe to it & a splash of Warehouse 13 thrown in. Perhaps Darkwing Duck will show up at a later time. Someone asked the Co-Producer if Darkwing would show up at any time during the series (# 1 at this link). Now, I've often said that silence speak volumes, sometimes it's nothing, but still... I think I caught all of the easter eggs of these 1st 2 episodes, both visual & verbal, except Duckworth (#2 at the same link). I may ask online later to see if someone else caught 1 or 2 easter eggs that I may have missed. I remember seeing the new concept artwork for Goldie online. That's a cool revamped character model for her. Not that she wasn't before, but from what I can guess, she looks to be quite adventure-ready -- maybe even fight-ready. :) A guy can hope. I mean, just look at Webby being well-versed in martial arts this time around! I hope Goldie shows up in the show soon. She may just become my favorite character this time around. Huey used to be my favorite, but this time it might be Scrooge or Dewey. More episodes are needed to make this decision, of course. :P Heck, it still might be Huey! The first time I noticed that my favorite character changing in a rebooted show was with this new Ninja Turtles on Nickelodeon. I still like Raph in this latest installment, but Leo & Donnie are much more likable than Raph this time around. I guess that's cool that reboots give way to new &/or deeper personality traits, while keeping with honoring the source material that came before it -- I'm down wit' it. :) Anyways, back to DuckTales. I understand what people mean about the theme song's lyrics being misheard. I watched the show’s intro with the closed caption on & the CC writer messed up on a few places. ​It's ok though, to err is to be human. Welp! Until the next episode, I'll be eagerly awaiting Andre Meadows review on these premiere episodes. I hope he posts it soon. I'm sure that many of his other fans have been blowing up his phone, Facebook, Twitter, etc. wanting to know his take on the premiere (myself excluded of course). Until he posts it, check out his videos leading up to it. [UPDATE] Annnd it's up!


Well, it was nice while it lasted. Maybe when I have the time, my station will return. It lasted from Feb. 2017 - Aug. 2017.




I hate when people tell little kids "Don't hit her, she's a girl." or "Don't hit him, he's smaller than you." That's like telling the kid it's ok to hit a kid of the same size (or bigger) & of the same sex of them -- & we all know how literally kids take what you say -- & how selective their reasoning can be. All of this bigger/littler/he/she stuff only confuses the point of the matter. Like, why even add something about her being a girl, if he can't hit a boy either? DUH! Saying those things only seems to create the possibility of creating another bully, but not just any bully, a bully that's a confused kid that thinks it's ok to actually hit certain kids. Instead of saying those statements to a child, it seems better to say. "Don't hit anyone. If you hit anyone, you will be in trouble. If anyone hits you, come and tell me, & they will be in trouble." I just think it's common sense -- & I don't even have any kids...






















I must confess, I’m not that familiar with The Dark Tower at all, other than the fact that Stephen King created it, but I see that Idris Elba is playing the good guy, & Matthew McConaughey is playing the bad guy. I remember, in one of the many ‘Alex Cross’ books, James Patterson describes Kyle Craig (Alex Cross’ arch villain) as looking like Matthew McConaughey. I also feel as though Idris Elba would make a great Alex Cross. There was actually a big rumor years ago that he would play Alex. I guess that The Dark Tower film will be as close as I’ll ever come to seeing an Idris Alex Cross vs. a Matthew Kyle Craig in a movie. But you never know, seeing them on-screen together in this film may put that very idea in the minds of the people in charge in Hollywood. Well, it’s kinda a long shot, but not THAT LONG of a long shot. After all, Denzel Washington & Russell Crowe were in 2 movies together; Virtuosity & American Gangster.

On a side note: While I’m on the subject of Alex Cross books, I usually visualize Morgan Freeman as Alex Cross (big shocker, right?). Except for the book 'Cross Country' -- I totally visualized Jamie Foxx for some reason -- &, Kimberly Elise was his girlfriend Bree Stone.



Whoa! Stop the presses! Alert the media! Now YouTube's 5 second ad countdown has become a 6 second ad countdown! CHEAP! Dang, how petty can you get, though??? HAHAHA XD XD XD I just find it funny when companies try to be slick... or petty... OR BOTH & they think no one notices. Maybe people have noticed. Maybe there will be a flash flood of memes this week for me to enjoy. Wow, YouTube, you really know how to stick it to us 99%ers. Ouch! That smarts! *GASP* What ever will I do now? Nothing makes sense anymore. Up is down, left is right, light is shadow! XD Hey, alls I can say is, thanks for the extra second to play Pac-Man while wait for my video to come up.




Wow! Seeing a group shot of people (or should I say mannequins) wearing 90's clothes, with that kind studio lighting, I gotta say, for a split second there, I thought the cast of Nickelodeon's Roundhouse was being beheaded. O.O XD


Random Thought o’ the Day: With all of the weird superstitions, I wonder why there isn’t one pertaining to walking into a spider web. I mean, there’s stepping on a crack, walking under a ladder, opening an umbrella indoors, breaking a mirror, a black cat crossing your path, etc. It seems like walking into a spider web would be the perfect thing to have a superstition about. Hmm… Oh, well!


































Ok, this looks like my kind of movie. I’m glad to see Taraji P. doing action movies again. I remember she was in Smokin’ Aces as the sniper. Looks like she’s the sniper & everything else too in this movie! I love the trailer, the concept, the iconic-looking poster, & the movie’s title. Speaking of the movie’s title, Proud Mary will always remind me of the time in college that I told a classmate that the song is called ‘Proud Mary’, not ‘Rollin’ on the River’. The teacher had even said it less than a minute ago, but she wasn’t even listening. Here she was like 6 seconds later saying how she loves the song ‘Rollin’ on the River’. I attempted to tell her that it’s called ‘Proud Mary.’ She puts a smirk on her face, & a slight giggle in her voice as she proceeded to tell me that I was wrong &, in so many words, told me that I didn’t know what I was talking about because I don’t know about that kind of music. She came across as though she was talking to a person inept intelligence. Well, to quote Alanis Morrissette: “Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?” I mean, it’s a very common mistake to make, especially with that song, but when the professor had just said the song’s title, then you say the wrong title, then someone else actually takes the time to tell you that what you thought is wrong so that you don’t go around sounding air-headed for the rest of your life, & you still ignore what is being said, that kinda places you inside of a stupid sandwich with extra mayo. Anyways, I guess it’s better to be blissfully ignorant than to actually entertain the thought that you’re actually wrong about something in this world, while simultaneously learning something new, right? I wish there was a word for that type of situation -- it sure does happens enough in life. Maybe I’ll start calling it ‘An Unwarranted Moment of Hubris ’. You know, I’d wager a guess that she still thinks the name of the song is ‘Rollin’ on the River’ to this day. I’d also wager a bigger guess that she will someday see this movie from opening credits to end credits & still not realize that the movie is actually named after the actual song. But like I said, ignorance is bliss…



​I can’t hold it in anymore. I gotta say it: I hate this new American accent that people use now. You know, the one where everyone sounds like they’re asking you a question with the tone of their voice; as if they are asking you if you are sure, or if you understand what they mean. They’re all like: “I’d [???really???] like to have a home [???near the beach???] but I’m not sure if I [???have the budget for it right now???]” UGH!!! So annoying. I’m like “Dude, are you asking me, or telling me? Are you making sure I understand what you’re saying, or are YOU YOURSELF UNSURE about what YOU ARE SAYING?” Yes, these are unsure times, but the accent doesn’t have to reflect it. Jeez! This is ridiculous. & in a certain context it can lend itself more to sounding sarcastic too, as though you’re asking a rhetorical question to someone that doesn’t understand something, which makes it even more annoying. Yes, we’ve all done that at 1 time or another, but NOT ALL THE FREAKING TIME! Once in a while, I have found myself guilty of using this accent myself. I blame the Kardashians -- they popularized it. They are the catalyst of this whole thing. I mean, even people that don’t watch them have picked up on that accent that they use, because the people that do watch them have picked up on it & spread it across the nation. Sure, the accent existed prior to the Karashians getting famous, & sure, it's a west coast thing, but it's never been THIS WIDE-SPREAD before. So many people sound like the Totally Kyle skit from The Amanda Show now. Go ahead, try to tell me they don't. You can't. You know why? Because you know that I speak the truth. Now this epidemic has found its way to nearly every TV show where someone is giving their opinion or being interviewed in some way. Reality shows are now 10 times more annoying to me now, while traditional scripted shows & movies seem safe from it (mostly) (for the time being). I feel like getting into a time machine & going back to a time where people just said the word ‘like’ a half dozen times in a sentence. It would be a lot less annoying than this mess. Anyways, I just wish it would go away because it just sounds like everyone is talking down to each other ALL THE TIME. You're not talking to a small child, trying to get them to understand something. You're talking to adults! Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What in the world is this strange phenomenon of some people putting EXTREMELY blurry pictures on their Facebook pages??? I mean, don't they see how blurry it is??? They're the ones that put it on there, right? It's their page, right??? Why don't they just delete it??? I just don't understand this at all...




Wow... This new Halle Berry movie, Kidnap, certainly seems to have an Ashley Judd vibe to it. Speaking of Ashley Judd, where the heck has she been lately??? I've got so many of her movies; Kiss the Girls, High Crimes, Double Jeopardy, Eye of the Beholder & Twisted. Checking Ashley's IMDB page, I see she's been in quite a few things since then, just not things that I have watched. Last time I saw her in something, it was in The Missing, or as I like to call it: "The Greatest Mini-Series You've Never Seen." But anyways, back to Kidnap. There seems to be some controversy over the release date(s) & movie studio. I hope everything is alright with Relativity Media.
KIDNAP Trailer #2:



Ok, this is the 3rd or 4th time I've dreamed about fusion people. Meaning I dream about people who's faces are a mixture of theirs & someone else's -- like those websites where they combine 2 celebrities face's into 1 person. Why is this happening. They seem so organic & real when I'm dreaming, but when I wake up & come to my senses it feels kinda weird. It's like my 'dream game' is evolving -- like I can do new things in my dreams that I didn't even imagine I could do. Man, just when I thought my dreams couldn't get any weirder... Although, I have to say: the last time, it made for quite an attractive female face.



Yep! Basically...




























When the new Shaq-Fu game finally comes out, it'd be so epic if, on the title screen, a voice-over announcer comes on & says
"Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn! Brought to you, in part by, Icy Hot & The General Auto Insurance." XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD



Achievement unlocked
  5G - Middle Ages, Here I Come!
Felt a pain in my leg 30 seconds before it rained.



















Ewww! They made Peter Parker look like Ben 10! Green eyes this time? Why? & THAT hair style WITH green eyes? Uh, ok... Whatever... Looks like Ben 10 to me. Alls I'm sayin' is: I could show this picture to people & ask them who it is & they would totally say Ben 10. This is supposed to coincide, in some ways, with Homecoming, right? Tom Holland doesn't have green eyes. Weird choice, but I guess it had to happen eventually with such a popular character. I remember back when I first noticed that Sonic the Hedgehog & Fox McCloud were given green eyes by Sega & Nintendo.



HAHAHA Ghostface Killer's an alien. XD XD XD




Uh, so, I seem to be the only 1 that thinks that having a Rastafarian primate protagonist in Beyond Good & Evil 2 is racist. Man, I'm not even gonna drop the link below, but the game has black female protagonist (Nice.) & a talking Rastafarian primate male protagonist (Uhhh... What the frick, dude?). Yeah, uh, I'd call that 1 step forward & 3 GIANT STEPS BACK. I can't help but notice than he could have literally been any other animal in the wild kingdom, but nope, they chose that 1. Things that make ya go hmmm... Either they did it purposely, or they're oblivious to racial sensitives. Either way, that's 1 game I won't be buying. & the site wants everyone to sign up. "Join the Space Monkey Program" my butt! HAHAHA As if! The original game came out in 2003, they released a teaser trailer for this game years ago featuring Jade & Pey'j in what, 2008? Only to to have this racist/possibly non-playable Jade drivel show up in 2017. 14 years to get this long-awaited game out? A whole console generation later; skipping completely over the XBOX 360's heyday & right into the XBOX 1's infancy. SHEESH! Welp, like I always say: Better racist than never, I guess. OOPS! O.o I meant to say "better late than never." -- BUT NOT REALLY... >.>



If someone told me that Mario's cap was playable, I'd think that they were messin' with me -- but on the off-chance that I actually believed them, I would say "Wow! They must be running out of ideas." Cappy flies around & is invincible. I'm surprised there aren't any Sonic 2 Tails jokes or references in the comment section... yet.

Super Mario Odyssey Co-Op Revealed

I wonder if this trend will pick up. Remade assets, modern control sceme. TMNT Turtles in Time: Reshelled had remade assets but, boss & level alterations aside, it seemed like it was mostly to make the jump from 2-D to 3-D. S.O.C. was already 3-D to begin with -- same with the XBOX Live Arcade version of Perfect Dark. Hmm... this may become a thing that happens more often -- like, WAY MORE often.

More Details On Shadow Of The Colossus Remake


Ah, so the new Spider-Man has a heavy dose of Uncharted thrown into it. Hmm, it actually fits well. I watched this chopper sky chase action sequence wishing that something like this was put into a  Spider-Man movie. A Sony exclusive though? Wow, this whole video game market is getting mean -- & it's just going to get meaner! I remember how surprised I was years ago when Pac-Man Party was a Wii exclusive. I was like "..But... But it's Pac-Man though!" I now feel that same sentiment with this Spider-Man game too!


Sony's offering clean version of movies. I was wondering when this would happen. It's already been done for decades on the radio, with clean CD's, & movies when they are brought to regular tv & basic cable. I felt that it was inevitable that this would happen. There's too much money to be made off of it. Having the choice of viewing a clean version of films simply equals more money for the companies that decide to do this. Example: Imagine a mother & her 7 year old kid are in a store. The kid says “Mommy, I want this movie.” The mother looks, & it’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit (a movie that just happens to have weasels with foul language a 7 year old shouldn’t hear, & a perverted, cigar-smoking, cartoon baby look up a woman’s dress while smiling fiendishly, & smack another women’s butt). So the mother says “No. Put that back. You’re not old enough for that.” Right then & there, they just lost a sale. BUT if this clean movie trend ACTUALLY catches on, this example COULD become, well, at the very least, nearly non-existent. At any rate, this would equals more sales than they would have previously gotten. Want more proof? Ok, the 2014 Robocop movie was rated PG-13. Gee, I wonder why. Because they wanted to sell "robotic super hero police officer man" toys & other related merchandise to tweens -- that’s why! As the times change, so too does the business model. Hey, you can blame Pixar, Dreamworks Animation & Disney for this. Put out a movie, sell a bunch of merch -- that's where the market is at. Oh, don't get me wrong, there will always be a place for R rated material. It's just that, well, the whole "Mommy, buy me that!" factor is far too strong for smart companies to ever resist. At the end of the day, it’s a business… *shrugs* & people on YouTube are moaning & belly-aching about this clean movie idea; saying it’s desecrating the original film. It’s quite hypocritical when these exact same people are dead silent when I.P's that were originally made for kids gets injected with an adult-oriented vibe. Why don’t they stop perpetrating like they are people that want to actually preserve the 1st making of something? They should just come right out & say “Hey, I may talk a good game, but I’m really just an advocate for teen & adult rated material -- I couldn’t care less about the director’s vision of kiddie stuff. I only want to make sure that adult-oriented stuff is untouched.” Because really, I don’t hear any complains when kiddie stuff is injected with a big dose of adult humor AT ALL. Besides, if you don't want to watch the clean versions, the originals still exist. So, why complain? Just watch the version you want to watch & be happy with that.


Ah! At last, Cuphead has a Release date!


Those home buying shows are so annoying. You would think that for SCRIPTED reality shows, they would have better dialogue. But noOo, They have to get the authintic response when they see the homes for the 1st time. It's always...

Husband: "Wow. Look at this place. It's huge.
Wife: "It's huge."

[2 minutes later]

Wife: "This room is beautiful."
Husband: "It's so beautiful."
Wife: "I know, isn't it so beautiful?

[5 minutes later]

Husband: I wanted more space for a guest room, but I think this is the best we can do in this room.
Wife: "-- in this room..."

Uh, wow! There's an echo in there & IT AIN'T due to the high vaulted ceilings. All they do is repeat each other the whole time they are seeing rooms for the first time. That part should be scripted too. It would be a lot less annoying. Oh, & while I'm on the subject of scripted TV shows, Undercover Boss would have worked out WAY BETTER as JUST a movie. Same exact frick'n character archetypes each episodes. Man, they scout those people out so well  -- I'll give 'em that much credit! "Let's find someone with a super sad background story, someone else that's super lazy, another person that knows a lot about the job who may or may not be borderline condescending, throw in an undercover C.E.O. with butterfingers on the assembly line of his own company (accompanied by some whimsical music while he's screwing up), & we have ourselves another episode!" ...NOT!





















The new Black Panther teaser trailer looks great! It was certainly a tease alright. I can't wait to see a full trailer. I hope that they put out a full trailer sometime next week.













Until then, I'll be wondering just how many bad guys Princess Shuri pwns with these vibranium gauntlets. My money's on 30-plus.



So, it seems that this new Friday the 13th game is the new Pokémon GO. Meaning: it's the new Summertime craze that nearly everyone has been playing, is all over YouTube, & will die down in player interest after the Summer is over (until additions are added). Funny thing is: both games are supposed to be getting additions added to them soon. I'm guessing Pokémon GO will have additions 1st. I mean, have you seen the complaints on the Friday the 13th: The Game's Facebook page? Yikes! They've got their hands full-enough as it is with other matters.























Dang! Didn't Ultimate Spider-Man JUST conclude in January? I blinked my eyes & Spidey's in a new prototype costume. REBOOT POWERS ACTIVATE! XD XD XD Well, I guess so! With the new movie due out next month, it's time to hit that hard reset button to match with the latest version of cinema Spidey. Marvel's Spider-Man, huh? I wonder if they will ever run out of names to call these different series. I also wonder if they will ever reuse the same names in my lifetime. There's already been & his Amazing Friends, Unlimited, The new Animated Series (MTV), Spectacular, Ultimate, & various others simply called Spider-Man. I predict that decades from now there will be a series called The All New Spider-Man, or something like that. Hmm, they haven't used Amazing by itself yet, so that's a safe prediction for a future series.



WHAT!?! Cree's not the voice of Green anymore??? Nooo!!! :( Well, I guess I shouldn't be selfish. Gotta get the little ones squared away with school, spend time bonding & all. But still: Cree's not the voice of Green anymore??? Nooo!!! :( Come back, Cree! Come back!!!


















Hot off the presses! My Supergirl Season: 2 Review. Have at it, folks!



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