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3rd Quarter of 2017 (Spoilers Below)



Haha, good to see Winter/ Madam Goo-Goo from A.N.T. Farm again; Zibby Allen. I saw her in another other episdoes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but never this big of a role. She looked nice in that uniform. Too bad Lt. Evans had to get shot in the head by her superior. SInce this is a time travel story, she'll porbably be back anyway -- even Rusty! Wow, I wonder who that general is! She's at a secret military instalation & doesn't believe in aliens? She surely didn't have much tolerence when her agents told her about it. Hmm, interesting... What's she after then, if she doesn't know about aliens, or doesn't care about them, some technology perhaps? Minor Nit-Pick: When Fitz went into cryo-sleep his eyes were open, but when he came out of it, his eyes were closed. The only reason I noticed this was because when he went into the cryo-sleep, I was like 'Eww, he wants to keep his eyes open for 74 years? Doesn't he want to close them?' Anyways, cool episode. At first I was , like 'Why didn't they  show this episode erlier, in chronological order, but now I see how the epside ends, I see why they didn't, they wanted it to be a surprise that Fitz was already in the future. :)
(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; 5x5; Rewind)



Ok, whether Lorraine means that 
Blade is coming to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., or that Jeff Ward is going to be in a Blade TV show, or Blade movie, this is awesome! Yeah, I got some hashtags for you Lorraine... #WhichOne? #SoOminous #SoInigmatic



Ok, so about Disney aquiring The Fantastic Four & X-Men, many are wondering how they will intergrate these new toys into the very well-recieved & very well-established MCU sandbox. A lot of fans are saying rewrite history with the Cosmic Cube or Infinity Gems, & I get that. It certainly is the most immediately easy way to integrate these characters into the Marvel cinematic universe. Buuut, I want them to start fresh with Fan 4 & the X-Men’s Stories. If Jackman, or Steward, or other actors with iconic portrayals of characters want to return, then let ‘em, but let the audience know that these are a brand new versions of Wolverine & Professor X. Don’t let that convoluted X-Men storytelling from Fox bleed over onto the Marvel cinematic universe. They should write it in such a way that Fan 4 & the X-Men’s stories are just starting. For me, it’s fine if Mutant X-Gene manifestations hadn’t occurred around in the world predating the 1960’s. What if people have the dormant X-Gene predating the 1960’s, but it didn’t start manifesting into powers & abilities until the year 2020? The MCU wouldn’t even think they would have to break their No More Origin Stories rule either. If they wanted to break the rule, then fine, go ahead, but I don’t see where it’s all that necessary. Spidey & Black Panther were introduced & integrated into Cap 3 easily, so just do that, or something similar again with some other movie. Can’t Magneto not be attacking missile silos yet, because he wants to watch The Avengers’ constant indecision & bickering make their team implode first? Can’t the X-Men be acting in secret with smaller skirmishes that are below The Avengers’ radar? Look at Agents of S.H.I.EL.D., people are using powers & trying to take over the world all the time, & much of it is below Avengers involvement/perception of it even happening. Have The Avengers even seen a Kree on Earth yet? (I literally can’t remember. O.o)  Also, Fury has top level secrets, what if the dawn of Mutant-kind is one of them?

I hate to say this, because it goes against everything I said I wanted above, but the more I think of it, the way to make the most money out of this new acquisition is to give Fan 4 & X-Men their own separate respective universes. Get them established. For 2 or 3 films each, then when the fans can’t wait any longer, announce staggered cross-overs throughout the years. Besides, The Avengers have a lot on their plate already with all of this infinity gem stuff, as well as the fall-out that follows after. Let The Avengers settle down into their own drama a bit before crossing over with the newly acquired heroes & villains. Besides, we all know that the comics, as well as the movies, seem to have this weird thing where it’s still extremely easy for fans to say ‘Hey, where were the Avengers when this was happening? Where were Spider-Man  & Daredevil while this was going on?’ It’s always felt a bit goofy to me that all of these heroes are living in (& patrolling) neighboring cities, & a team of villains could be tearing up Times Square, &, like, no other heroes or teams of heroes show up to help out this 1 hero because… reasons. Yeah, it’s cool that many of Marvel’s heroes live in New York, but it comes at a goofy price half of the time, unless it’s a big event where they actually want all of the titles/heroes crossed-over.

But anyways, no matter what they decide, please, no retcons. Retcons would annoy me too much. I wouldn't know what these characters went through together unless they have small mentions & name drops here & there. I have to say though, if they were going to retcon Fan 4/X-Men & do little mentions here & there, that would be an interesting way to sell comics, because they could be like, “You want to know what Iron Man meant when he said a certain thing to Logan & Reed Richards in the movie? Well, buy MCU issue #1 to find out!” XD If they wanted to do a hard reset waaaay down the line, decades from now, then fine, but nothing like that anytime soon. We are too busy enjoying what we’ve already got.



It was cool to see May finally fight Sinara -- even if May wasn't at full fighting ability with her leg messed up. It's ok because I have a feeling that this was only round 1. Oh, yeah, & don't belive the self-serving hype about May's supposed demise on CBR. I'm only leaving this link here to chronicle the entertainment value of them posting it. I mean, sheesh... Slow news day, CBR?  I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks that May is really dead -- or would be killed off-screen. Give me a break... It's a cloak-&-dagger show with twists & surprises. If anything w'ere all wondering 'What happened to her?', not 'Is she dead?'
(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; 5x4; A Life Earned)



Ewww. Bloody candy canes. & I'm confused; Is Michael Che engaged to Cecily Strong now, or was that just a weird way to end that Cathy Anne segment on Weekend Update???
(Saturday Night Live; 43x8; James Franco/SZA)



OH, FOR FACEBOOK'S SAKE, PEOPLE! Something just feels so very inherently wrong about having a 360° cam set-up at the site of a wild fire. Just sayin'! Oh, this ~wondrous~  technological age we live in...



Facebook has a middle finger emoji?? O.o Ok... That's so uncharacteristic of their brand, not to mention literally every other imogi that they have. Well, the feces face emoji is kinda close. To this day, I'll never understand how that's even a thing. I keep saying that thwe world keeps getting dumber & dumber, & they the world goes & proves me right. While on vacation, I saw someone with a rainbow-colored feces face hat on his head, & I'm like 'What the heck? How is this even a thing to buy... & WEAR! I don't care if it seems like I don't have a sense of humor, it's feces on someone's head.' Anyways, back to the middle finger emoji. It seems kinda unprofessional of a company that's a household name, that has their name plastered all over food packages, movie commercials, & is all like 'This is the anniversary of your friendship with Jamie, & would you like to celebrate this with a post on your wall?', & 'Julian are you in the affected area of  this crisis?'.



Great episode! I was so excited to see this. I even watched it before Supergirl & The Gifted. I was surprised that they had interview footage of Dwane McDuffie -- I didn't think I'd see him in this episode at all, other than maybe in pics. The McDuffie footage was obviously furnished from some other companies, but it was intergrated well into this episode. That was certainly educational finding out how they began. I knew bits & pieces, but that's about all. Can't wait for the Image Comic episode next week.
(Robert Kirkman's Secret History of Comics; 1x5; The Color of Comics)

Wow. This episode was heavier on the relationship stuff than a lot of other episodes -- or, at the very least, this episode had all of it clumped together. At first, I was like 'How can they call this episode 'Reign' when all of this relationship talking is happening, but later on in the epsiode, the action more than made up for it. Any fight where Supergirl is beat unconscious by the end of the episode, & is sent to the D.E.O. Intensive Care unit by the end-of-the-show promo, is a great fight to me. Still, why did Supergirl have to get her balance on the cargo ship, fall down when Reign tilted the ship, then get hit by a cargo continer iron? I mean, Supergirl can fly. So, why didn't she just fly out of the way? Reign is very strong, but why did she have to telegraph most of her moves? When ever she threw a right hook, she was forever falling for Supergirl's block-&-counter here & here. Not a right hook, but rubble swung from the right. Sheesh, even with Supergirl's back turned, that's not really Reign's favorable side, is it? Maybe she should have kept swinging from the left like this. It felt like I was watching someone play a quick-time event in a video game where you knew exactly when a block was coming. & Yes, Supergirl's righ hooks were blocked-&-countered a few times too, but come on Reign, you're the big, bad viallian. You can't be fighting all predictable yourself! Then Supergirl gets hit in the back of the head with a piece of rubble, but gets a bloody forehead because of it? o.O Well, questions & nik-picks aside, all in all, it was a pretty hardcore fight. With Supergirl unconscious in the next-episode promo, I hope this means we'll see more of The Guardian next time. :) :) :)
(Supergirl; 3x9; Reign)



Wild horses couldn't drag me away from seeing the next 2 episodes of Robert Kirkman's Secret History of Comics. This week's episode will be on Milestone Comics. YAY! Although I certainly know a bit about Milestone, most of this knowledge was gained by the editor articles within the very few Milestone comics that I own, the Static Shock cartoon, & word of mouth. I'm very lucky to have the Icon issue where you find out who really created The Big Bang. It's a Milestone key issue! Then, next week's episode will be about Image Comics. I've been wanting to see The Image Revolution documentary for years. While I still want to see that movie 1 day, this episode will certainly be the next best thing to seeing that movie. These episodes will be very educational for me indeed. Yeah, this show fits nicely into AMC's round-up of comic-based shows.




Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is back with a vengeance! Wow, this is 1 heck of a story they've set up -- & they're already putting the team through their paces -- or maybe I should say 'through the ringer' -- big time. Good stuff so far! There are already SO MANY MYSTERIES! Who's the agent that had to take off his skin to take a shower? (IMDB calls him Enoch, so I checked the wiki) Why was he ordered to send all of the agents except Fitz to the future? Are they even really in the future? Why did Coulson see the hull breach in slow motion & have ample time to grab something before being sucked out into space? None of the other agents saw things in slow motion when when they appeared onboard the ship, & if it's a Kree alien, D.N.A. T.A.H.I.T.I. thing, then why haven't we seen Coulson use this ability long before now? I am offcially intrigued by this story that's taking shape, & even more creeped out at the main villains this season (thus far), than the villians of season 4 could ever possibly make me feel. Many of the screenshots provided me with cool Facebook covers too. :P I'm sure there are more of those to come, going deeper into this season. They even have 'Heroes: Reborn' actress ♥Eve Harlow♥ playing a part. Between the faces of ♥❤♥ Eve, Ming-Na, & Natalia ♥❤♥, I hope I won't be too distracted by their collective beauty to keep up with the narrative. Character-wise, a couple of things didn't feel right. Why did Mack say he wanted to quit S.H.I.E.L.D. after they figure out where they are & how to get back to Earth? Comedic value notwithstanding, would he really say that? I get that he was fed up, but come on! Also, what was up with Coulson & Daisy wanting to split up? You're out of your depth on a mysterious space ship where you're knowingly being hunted by feral, wall-crawling, laser-dodging alien creatures, so why the heck would you split up??? Was that scene simply to set up Mack for his 'the-black-guy-get's-it-first' dialogue for the sake of having a joke in that scene? o.O Then there's the part where their hands are magetized to the wall & Yo-Yo says to Coulson 'Where's an axe when you need one, huh?' Would she really say that? I think not. Also, let's all appreciate the fact that she's standing between the guy that got his hand cut off, and the guy that cut his hand off, as she's making that joke? Uh, what the heck? Those parts all felt kinda goofy, but for the most part it was a great 2-hour season premiere. Going forward, let's stop with the forced humor, shall we? It feels like the people writing these bits of dialogue don't understand the characters or the humor of the show -- like they're new writers or something. Maybe they are new writers. Anyways, I can't wait to see May vs. Sinara. They teased their fight a bit, super quick, in next episode's promo (time frame 0:43 - 0:44).

(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; 5x1 & 5x2; Orientation: Parts 1 & 2)



Wow! This week will go down in geek history. Monday & Tuesday had the 4 episode 'Crisis on Earth X' crossover event, Thursday has the first trailer of Avengers: Infinity War, Friday is the season 4 preimere of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., & there's even a new Ducktales on Saturday. Let's keep up this momentum going into next week! I see that there's a new Avengers episode coming on Sunday.


Dang, I forgot how addictive this is. Who needs a video game when you're so engrossed with organizing songs into the perfect playlists?



Ok, I'm convinced that any Triple A title having to do with LucasArts after the original Star Wars: Battlefront 2' is cursed. First there was that 'Indiana Jones & the Staff of Kings' game that never came out, then 'Star Wars: 1313' didn't come out, then the announcement of the 3rd Battlefront game being Battlefront 1: 'The Reboot', then complaints over the reboot's content (or lack there of), & now Battlefront 2: 'The Reboot' is having all of these issues with world governments intervening. Jeez, maybe they should get a representative from Traveler's Tales to come down to the EA/LucasArts offices to give them some game-making tips. & it's not like LucasArts is Nintendo, meaning they put out tons of games all the time, so some games can be not so great. Oh no, LucasArts has so much riding on this, their biggest game.


Now, speaking of LucasFilm, I wasn't exactly thrilled that episode 7 was pretty much A New Hope again. They should have just called it 'Star Wars Episode 7: A Newer Hope'. How can they call it episode 7 if they aren't going forward with new content, but rather playing it safe with a paint-by-numbers version of a previous film? I was so glad I saw that movie on cable instead of in the theatre. I was like "Ok, wow! A bunch of young people from different planets, & different walks-of-life, meet eachother & want to fight The Empire, 1 gets a blue light saber, starts a quest of being a Jedi during a time where the Jedi are all but wiped out, the Darth of the movie wants to show the main good guy the ways of the darkside, & a mentor-eque core character dies. Gee, where have I seen ALL OF THIS before???" At least episodes 1, 2, & 3 actually felt like they were doing something different. Marvel Studios seems to be superior to anything that LucasFilm is currently putting out. Marvel Studios IS the new Star Wars. & really, there's more character developement in 1 Marvel movie than there is in any Star Wars trilogy out, & currently Star Wars seems like they are phoning-it-in by comparison. Episode 8 had better show me something new, because I feel like everything Star Wars is kinda slumming these days. They seem to be a far cry from what they used to be. It feels like everything after the CGI Cartoon Network series was of sub-par value. I feel like now they are riding too much off of the coat-tails of former success, & the excitement value for me is dwendling. All I can say is, they better be glad they have super devoted adult fans, & that those fans are giving birth to young, impressionable kids that will like this stuff -- so that their toys & other merchadise can sell.



I'm actually quite convinced that Patrice McDowell from Coming to America & Sharane from House Party would be thick as thieves if they knew eachother.



Ah, so the plot thickens. That was the best episode yet. A lot of reveals. I'm glad I watched it as it actually aired on TV for once.
(The Gifted; 1x7; eXtreme measures)


So, it seems that around most of the net, Justice League gets a solid 7 out of 10, pretty much. 39% on Rotten Tomatoes, I mean, come on. It's Rotton Tomatoes; you pretty much have to grade on a curve with it being a super hero movie, & being rated by certain people that review on that site. I mean, you gotta consider the source here... For God's sakes, they all took the time out of their oh-so-busy/important-lives to rip House of the Dead a new one, like it actually mattered to someone -- to anyone. 39% for a movie that everybody under the sun knew going into it, that it was rushed, along with ther issues at play. MEH! Might as well make it a new rule to add 30% more to whatever they give any superhero movie that's out on any given week for a more realistic score. Also, excuse me if I don't gasp dramtically at their 39%, but rather, let out a yawn & a shrug in it's place. The audience score says that 85% liked it. You want a more sound reviewing system than the 'to-ma-to-me-ter', just hit up your IGN, your Grace Randolph, your Andre Meadows, your Vic & Johnny Millinium, etc. for your super hero movie reviews & feel better, not bitter. *yaaaawn* Besides, even if the movie isn't all that great, I've always said, any superhero movie that's bad to most (or just some) adults, is usually gold to impressionable, young children. Soooooo, there's always that, I guess. Next year it'll be a host of other new super hero movies to complain about. The sun will rise, the sun will set, life will go on. Who cares??? Like what you like.



With the new Incredbles sequel on the way, I've reluctantly added Pixar to my sidebar, eventhough I only own 1 of their movies; The Incredibles (Big surprise, right? I'm a super hero guy.). Besides, I guess it's also good to keep up with what they're up to as a company, but I've been saying for years that I'm tired of seeing that same wide-eyed, mouth agape expression on thier characters' faces for decades. I refer to it as the
40-Year-Old Virgin face. If you recall, it's the face Steve Carell was making in that poster, only with a more exagerrated wider eyes & mouth. If you go to the Pixar site right now, you'll see what I'm talking about right on the home page big as day. I mean, can't they just make a character smile, or be in mid sentence, or laughing, or  something? Sheesh! Made me roll my eyes & click my jaw. I mean, the one thing I didn't want to see, I saw as soon as I got there. Ugh... I can't even watch most of their commercials for fear of seeing some character gazing at something with the most inner-most child-like wonder. I'm just like 'Wow! Please learn how to program a new expression into your animation database or whatever. That overly-used, awkward 'face o' wonder' makes me want to punch something.' Is this what happens when mostly everything you produce is in a computer, you get this same plasticy, waxy, factory assembly line, soulless, frozen in time, ghostface mask gape setting used over & over in every movie??? Yeeck! & aren't Pixar eyes big enough already, without them making them even bigger in 'gaze of wonder' mode??? But anyways, yeah, the link is on the sidebar. I guess I don't have to click it very often if I don't want to. Maybe I'll get rid of it after The Incredibles 2 comes & goes. The Walt Disney link was (& still is) more than enough to get news on Disney stuff, as well as Pixar stuff also, anyways... Yes, I'm torn, I want to like Pixar more, but between, their brand of comedy, & that trademark facial expression, I just can't bring myself to fully like them. Not that it would bother them one way or the other. Their gameplan is as air-tight as Dreamworks Animation -- if not moreso. Simply put out a movie, put out video games for that movie, put the other merch. such as coloring books, toys, lunch boxes, backpacks, fruit snacks, etc. into nearly every well-known store, then rake in the capital. Pop out another movie & repeat the process. I gotta say, that's a business model we all can respect! In other news, I fast-forwarded through Big Hero 6 to all of the fights against the super villain because that's all I was interested in seeing. No hugging, no crying, no ironic-styled comedy, just the super villain fights.


At this point, shouldn't super hero movies be it's own genre? I should be able to go to the Apple Trailers site, & it should be a Super Hero tab to click. I just feel like having to click Fantasy, or Action Adventure, or Science Fiction, or even is some case Horror, Comedy or Suspense, leads to more searching, more digging -- espeically if it's like the movie Slight. Sometimes, it might be a suspencful coming-of-age tale that's done by a smaller studio, but hey, I wouldn't be able to quickly find it because it's not under something called Super Hero.



Ha! Blade: The Series is on CW Seed? Ok... That's interesting...
Will wonders never cease? I still remember when you could watch some Marvel shows (both live-action & animated) from their own site. Marvel has taken those shows off years ago. Anyways, I wonder how long Blade will be on The Seed.


Yay! I just beat Ducktales for the first time! I never had it, or got to play it as a kid. I see that I also beat the 6th place record holder for the most money on the Twin Galaxies site. Not too shabby. Why do these NES Disney Afternoon games have evil rabbits in them? Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 1 & 2, Talespin, & Ducktales. I'm not sure about Ducktales 2 or Darkwing Duck yet, but these other s seem to have nasty rabbits bent on my destruction.

I hate when someone asks who should play a super hero in a movie, & then someone says "He's too short to play a part." How is this still a thing to even say? Most of the people that play these superheroes aren't the height of their comic counterparts. 
Hollywood has been making people look taller than they really are for a very, very long time with shoe lifts, camera tricks, etc. Height really isn't an issue. Movie magic isn't just computer-generated dragons, green screens, & swirling vortexes in the sky.

Oh my God! How many times in a 2 month period do I have to see "Who's faster The Flash or Quicksilver." Jeez, I must have seen it like close to 8 or 10 times by now. This is worse than that whole Superman vs. Goku revival that happened a few years ago -- & even then it really wasn't up for debate -- we already knew who would win. Speaking of 'already knowing who would win': Man, I thought it was common knowledge that The Flash is the fastest man alive -- but  I just keep seeing this same question posted on these Facebook groups. I sure do hope that this all dies down.



I don't like how this phrase "Thank you for your service." is so trendy now. It feels creepy & weird how mainstream it's become in the media. I've seen so many Veteran's Days &, although I've certainly heard this phrase before, I haven't heard it THIS MUCH -- especially in commercials where they're selling something. Something feels dirty about it. Like these companies are using a trendy phrase to sell cars & mattresses. I mean come on, companies capitalizing on Veteran's Day to make a sale on Veteran's Day is bad enough already (for more on this, check out Chris Rock's stand-up on the topic), but I didn't see them doing all of this years ago. They just would say "Hey,  it's our Vetaran's Day sale! So come on down! If you're in the service, you get an extra 20% off!" Now all of a sudden all of these commercials are like "We thank you for your service." BLAH! YUCK! Wow do these big corporations even care, or is this simply a 'flavor of the month' trend that's only being said because to make some sales??? I mean if you're gonna use war & death to sell a product, why not come up with something else that's more original to say that shows that they truly do appreciate their service instead of being such followers with your blood money ads. I mean, it'd still be a hard sell to get me to believe them if they did, but hey...



About this ending to the movie Split: I can't help but notice the timing. I can't help but feel like M. Night is jumping on the super hero movie hype train. Not that anything's wrong with that; the more the merrier. Super hero movies are going to be popular for a long time coming, & he certainly had a super hero out long before this Modern Avengers Movie Era we're living in, but I can't help but point out that he certainly wasn't in any rush a few years after the year his year 2000 entry. People had to wait 16 years just for a cameo & a name drop??? Dang...! Now he's pulling cute, little, spine-tingling, surprise endings to set-up other movies, à la Marvel. Well, like I said: 'the more the merrier', & all of the YouTubers I've seen throughout the years feenin' for a sequel can actually be satiated with what's coming.



Disney is in talks with Fox to buy up their movie rights. Hmm... We'll see how this plays out. If anyone can do it, it's The Disney Corporation. They've already got all of the Pixar characters, all of the Indiana Jones characters, all of the Star Wars characters, all of The Muppet characters, the majority of Marvel characters, ABC, ESPN, & the list goes on, for sure! Oh, & Fun Fact: They even used to own the Power Rangers from 2003-2009. **Whew* Well, at least we all know that Disney is listening to the word on the street; to their consumers, because people have been wanting this to happen for years. I don't want to get my hopes up, but yeah, needless to say, it would actually be pretty great...


Topics like this always remind me of how people in the early 2000's would say "There's no way there would ever be an Avengers movie Spider-Man & Daredevil team-up movie, etc. because too many different studios own the rights to different characters. That'll never happen." I was always like, "Why can't it happen? There's too much money to be made off of crossovers & already established comic book teams. They'd all be LOSING money if THEY DIDN'T bring these characters together." (Even if it means having to sell characters due to 'the Disney effect', I suppose. O.o) There's nothing wrong with rival studious coming together to parley; to break bread for prosperity of each of them. If it's lucrative & the fans are happy being consumers of what they produce, why not do it???


Ok, after than episode, I can't help but hear a movie trailer voice-over actor's voice in my head saying "It's Nathan Petrelli as you've never seen him before -- but this time, he's playing for keeps." XD XD XD XD XD
(Supergirl; 3x5; Damages)



I saw Scream 4 for the first time a few months back. I'll most likely be writing a review on this movie later because I have so much more to say about it, but for now I just want to say that I can't believe they successfully squeezed ONE MORE Sydney Prescott story out of this franchise. & I do mean SQUEEZED. I feel that going into Scream 5 territory, they should take the mayhem to a new town entirely, & let Gale Weathers be the lead character. You know, switch up the dynamic a bit. Besides, Gale actually likes being around all of that chaos! She always wants to get the scoop. In Gale's own words "I did write the definitive book on the Woodsboro murders." She WANTS to be around the carnage! She feels that it's where she NEEDS to be! That would be great to see her REALLY be put through the ringer, as only a solo female lead character can be! I can hear the tagline already...

"She wrote the definitive book on the original Woodsboro murders -- but what happens when her quest for prestige & fame finally catches up with her?"

Other rival news reporters (looking to out-scoop Gale), an ex-con bent on revenge against Gale, as well as high school students would all be suspects. Raise the stakes even higher by making Dewey not be able to rush to Gale's aid at all because he's attending a Sheriff's Convention in another time zone, maybe give Neve Campbell a cameo & you've just pumped new vitality into the franchise. ;) If Gale  doesn't survive Scream 5 (or 6), you'll already have a new teenage 'Sydney-esque final girl' to play the lead role going forward anyway.


It's funny how when people are teens are often times exposed to entertainment that isn't exactly age appropriate, but then they get to their 20's & it's not even an issue; being able to freely listen to & watch whatever they want. But this grace period of being able to freely watch & listen to whatever they want, when ever, & where ever they want  becomes derailed because parenthood is just around the corner. I just find it funny how that 'harcore period' of 15-20-something is soooooo-o-o-o short when you think about it...


RANT #1:

UGH! Are people REALLY STILL doing this? I've said it before, & I'll say it again. If you can type 'Snapchat: NameOfThePerson', 'IG: NameOf
ThePerson', or 'Twitter: NameOfThePerson' then don't you have the time to type out the whole URL so that it's just ONE CLICK away??? This is all just so ignorant to me. I hate ignorant trends that people think are cool, because it means they are happily fine with doing whatever is ignorant, if it means it's cool. Ugh... Cool people can be so annoying at times. Like, "Oh, look at me. I'm waaay too cool to type the whole thing out."  Welp! Have fun losing fans, followers, viewers, & oh yeah... CASH if you happen to be selling something. I actually posted a blog entry on this very subject on Jan. 11th of this year. I hope that going into the next year, we can leave this tacky trend in 2017. At the risk of sounding like a hypocrite, I have felt temped to put 'Wix: Capehart Studios Ltd' on my artwork, but that's only because '' is super long & won't fit legibly on the artwork itself -- especially with Facebook butchering the quality of the artwork's clarity when you upload it there. Plus, it would be on the artwork, not the caption. I haven't put 'Wix: Capehart Studios Ltd' on my artwork yet, but I may do it in the future -- on the artwork, not the caption.

RANT #2:

I'm tired of people in some Facebook groups behaving like children whenever someone either boots someone out of a group, or gets booted out themselves. I've seen multiple situations where the administrators post mean spirited memes or comments about how the person they just booted from the Facebook group is gone for good & how everyone should laugh. I just think that's in poor taste. It shows that the admin has no life, & seem to have all the time in the world to make fun of people rather than using that time to post positive things about the actual group topics. My thing is: Why are you still typing comments to someone that obviously can't see what you're writing anymore? It just shows that you have no life, & that someone that you don't even like (who is gone) has gotten under your skin. I mean, if it was me I would've just deleted the person & kept it movin'.

& to the people getting booted out of groups: Just don't go where you're not welcomed, easy as that. See the boot as a blessing. Even if it's for a petty reason, who cares? Just find a similar group to be in. Why would you want to be around that level of pettiness. If it's already this bad now, then imagine how much worse it would've been had you stayed. Hey, I could see if you were unjustly sent away -- then by all means try to talk to other admins about this problem. However, if they have an actual justified reason to boot you, then just let the admin have the last word (even if you can't see it). If this happens often to you, look at this as a time of reflection. Perhaps you could stand to make adjustments to your personality so that you aren't always rubbing people the wrong way, breaking rules, & being booted everywhere you go.


Oh, wow. That episode had a little theater vibe going on there.
🎶 ~ Looks like a certain show is  vying for an Emmy. ~ 🎶

(Supergirl; 3x3; Far from the Tree)

Yikes! Alfred was really armed to the teeth! That part was funny, but really, all of those weapons should be par for the course for ANY butler in Gotham.
(Gotham; 4x5; A Dark Knight: The Blade's Path)



So many new shows & returning shows, so let's just dig right in!

Supergirl's back & as pressed as ever over Mon El. *Ugh* Couldn't they have made his character NOT such a tool? & his mere presence held the show back last season. Now I gotta watch Supergirl moan, belly-ache & complain that he's not around, then moan, belly-ache & complain SOME MORE when Psi uses a Psionic attack on her. *Double Ugh* That ain't exactly super heroic, Kara -- but I guess that was the whole point...

That seemed kind of unrealistic that the daughter would literally walk into danger like that. I think that situation should have been written differently. It's really not that hard to write it so that the danger comes to the girl, & then she texts her mom to come save her (happens all the time in these shows). Not the girl walking into the danger herself. That seemed super unrealistic (even for a show where an alien woman from a distant star system flies through the air & catches wrecking balls before they squash danger prone unrealistically-written preteen girls). I could see a 5 year old getting away from her mother in a crowded area & trying that stunt, but a 12 year old??? Come on. I do like how we didn't see the mother use her powers on the wrecking ball & crowbar. I like how they are letting it all marinate for a while until they're ready to show us just what's going on with Samantha.

It's awesome that Martian Manhunter & Supergirl are going to Mars in the next episode. I love how this show always keeps it fresh. Adding Martian Manhunter, The Guardian, & this new mother with powers into the mix keeps the show from ever feeling stale & routine -- especially how the writers seem to utilize these characters. Just... please don't bring Mon El back anytime soon. *cringes*
(Supergirl: 3x1 & 2)

Well, 3 episodes in, & The Gifted is off to a great start. I can't complain. It's moving at a nice even pace too. I was nervous to even watch it at all, seeing as how Bryan Singer's name is in any way connected to it (same with Legi⨂n), but it's pretty good. Besides, I think Singer only executive produced & directed the first episode, but no others. Maybe that was so that they could plaster his name all over the promotional material/news articles, I guess? Anyways, back to the show itself, I've no doubt that there will be people that will say that The Gifted is just alright. Well, I'd rather have a consistent show that everyone calls 'alright', than to have a show that people say is flat out awful. Now as for all of these rave reviews I see flashing in & out on the Critics' TV Spot for this show, I can't vouch for ALL of that just yet. I hope that by the end of this season I can though.
(The Gifted; 1x1-3)

Inhumans is great so far. I've seen so much hate for it on the Facebook page though. Although it's just starting out, it really is what I want in a super hero show, thus far; Action, chases, super powers, battles with multiple heroes & villains. It's a welcome treat while waiting for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to start back up next year. Some site reported that there are no crossovers planned between the 2 shows. I'm not worried. Just because they haven't planned anything, doesn't mean it won't happen. Besides, crossovers is what Marvel Studios is known for. It'll happen. Just let Inhumans get settled-in first. After all, they still have to tell their opening story, don't they? So let's all just pump our breaks & enjoy the here & now.
(Inhumans; 1x1-4)

Gotham is still consistent, still good. Great to see Bruce in his prototype super hero costume. Keep up the good writing. I feel like if this were a classroom, Gotham would be the consistently best student in the class. I don't really have much to say to this student. Gotham isn't the most improved kid in class, nor is Gotham the kid that needs the most tutoring. There's literally nothing to say to Gotham except 'Keep up the good work!' & who knew I could care about literally anything having to do with mobster so much?
(Gotham; 4x1-4)

WARNING! Minor Gripe Ahead: As for Riverdale, I'm still not watching it. I literally went to YouTube & typed in "Who killed Jason Blossom?" after the first season was over. & after this current season is over, you can bet I'm gonna go back to YouTube to type in "Who shot Archie's dad?". Sorry, I just don't have time for a show whose trailer acts like it's going to be 90% whodunit mystery, but instead gives me 90% (or more) teen drama. Don't get me wrong, I certainly expect some of that teen romance stuff where ever The CW & anything Archie is concerned, but WOW... not that friggin' much. I mean, dang! I really wouldn't mind simply having a friend that tells me all of the important stuff that happens in each & every episode, instead of watching it myself. But who needs a show-spoilin' friend when you have YouTube? Am I right?
(Riverdale; The Whole Series; Past, Present, & Future)


Ok, random thought number 145,877,234,542,221 (& a third):
I'm fascinated by certain fears such as the fear of clowns, fear of trees, & stuff like that. Then you have horror movies where they make little children the scary focus of the movie. Kinda interesting that there are people afraid of kids (ha! this coming from someone who doesn't have any *rimshot*). Anyways, I wonder if there's a fear of anime -- & I'm not talking about otakuphobia, which I suspect is some subculture joke where people are creeped-out/annoyed by the presence of Japanese culture-loving fanboys, but not actually fearful of them. Kyrofelonoshophobia is the fear of cartoons, usually by children, but I want to know if there's an actual isolated extreme fear of anime. Between characters morphing into demonic creatures in mere seconds, bug-eyed children & everything else in between, there's gotta be people out there that fear anime. I mean, stranger things have happened...



Here's a game you can play while waiting for the 6-second YouTube ad to go away. See how many things you can spot within the ad that start with the letter 'G' (or whatever letter you choose). See if you can beat your last hi-score every time you see another 6-second ad. ;)



How come the movie The Running Man was never turned into an NES game. It would've fit pretty well on that game system. I'll take that over Predator for NES anyday. It could've even been 2-player. Ah, well. At least we have Smash T.V. for SNES, which is essentially well within the same vein. Speaking of The Running Man, it's funny how that movie became a serendipitous satire of reality shows & their audiences of today. They could remake that movie & it would have an enormous amount of relevance to our modern real life (a lot like the ads in Robocop movies).



MTV's Scream is getting another season? Huh? Why? Season 2 had the crappiest killer reveal of all time. The guy that actually jumps out of no where (multiple times) mere seconds after the killer disappears, ACTUALLY turns-out to be the killer. He's either really brave or really stupid. I couldn't imagine myself disappearing as the killer, ditching my costume, & then showing up seconds after everyone just saw the killer (in multiple episodes). The show has had quite a few hiccups in the plot department too. I have to contemplate if I'm going to actually watch this next season or not... Usually, I can make quick cut-&-dry decisions about whether or not I want to continue watching TV shows (*cough* The Flash *cough* *cough*). I do love a whodunit -- & a slasher, for that matter. I guess it'll depend on how badly I'll need my fix. :P Ah, well! If I do decide to watch it, at l the very least, it'll be good for story ideas. I always did say: 'If nothing else, this show will inspire the next generation of horror writers.' (to some degree, at least)

On a side note: I remember that bowling alley scene from season 1, where the killer is trying to get into a room, but all of the teens hold the door shut. I always thought that was kinda funny. I mean, what would the killer have done has she gotten into that room? She could only stab one person at a time, & they out-numbered her. They would have totally over-powered her & pulled her mask off. They certainly wouldn't have just stood there waiting to be killed. Man, that would've been a really short season had that happened. Hehehehe. Also, I can't remember if the 2nd killer was already in the room with them, but if he was, & the 1st killer had actually pushed her way into the room, they would have just both started stabbing everyone else -- & again -- that would have made for a really short season, & with no killer monologue to speak of -- unless the killers wanted to give plot exposition to each other.



These are certainly exciting times for the world of entertainment. They are making a direct sequel to the original Halloween (ignoring existing sequels). The same is happening with the next Terminator movie, only it will be a direct sequel to Terminator 2: Judgement Day. It's also happening with the Roseanne revival sitcom where they ignore the finale of Roseanne where Dan dies. Now he's alive & has been living all of these years since the sitcom went off the air. If this trend picks up even more, & actually becomes a full-fledged thing, perhaps I can get Raimi/Maguire's Spider-Man 4, 5 & 6 once all of this MCU/Sony stuff dies down. But wait -- it doesn't need to die down at all, seeing as how Spider-Man is already in 2 cinematic universes. I remember months ago when they announced that Spidey is actually in the MCU, but also in a separate Sony Venom/Black Cat/Silver Sable universe as well, which is totally void of any Avengers involvement (while using the same actor). Hey, the way I see it is: if you're going to confuse your audience this much by putting Spidey into multiple movie universes, then you might as well bring back Raimi/Maguire too! & while I'm saying what I want, I'd also like a Daredevil 2 & 3; a direct sequel to Howard the Duck where maybe someone has that inter-dimensional portal machine rebuilt; oh, & of course, throw out ALLLLLLLL-LL-LL of the X-Men movies & start over from before the first one even took place, like none of them ever happened. Oh, man. A guy can wish, can't he??? Oh, & speaking of bringing back old properties, thanks to Disney's ownership, the original PC version of Star Wars Battlefront 2 is available again to play online! These are certainly exciting times indeed!


Wow. You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried. Umm, Russian Branch of Burger King, please calm the heck down...



Hehehe You da man, Lucius! You da man!
(Gotham; 4x2; A Dark Knight: The Fear Reaper)



I'm mildly annoyed that I have to hold down shift for these "( )", yet (for some reason), not for these "[ ]". I mean, why can't the parentheses be shiftless like the brackets??? ... BLAH!



I've been reading some reviews of The Inhumans on Facebook. A lot of them are saying that the premiere isn't too good. I'm about to watch it myself. I hope I like it. *gulp* Wish me luck.

UPDATE (10/2/2017): I just saw the first 2 episodes. Looks to be off to a good start. What the heck was all of the complaining about? Pfft... Fanboys...


Dude... What the heck did I just watch??? o.O

UPDATE (10/2/2017): Ohhh, & Geico answers back with 1 of their own!
The whole time, I'm thinking to myself "It's weird seeing Masters of the Universe characters animated in Fl
ash -- or whatever computer program that is they're using."

Wow! What's next? A Hong Kong Phooey Farmer's Insurance commercial??? ... Actually, that would be kinda awesome.



this clip, I was like, Plot Twist: Slush-O Incorporated put a bomb in Kenan's head. If Kenan moves 5 yards away from the Slush-O machine during his shift, the bomb will explode. If anyone bad-mouths anything proprietary to Slush-O Incorporated within Kenan's vicinity for more than 5 seconds, the bomb will explode. If he doesn't sing the jingle everyday at a certain time, the bomb will explode... What?! That's really what I was thinking! XD XD XD

Hmmm, this sounds like an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. game to me, but they said Avengers, so I guess it's Avengers! Well, maybe you can play for some Agents though. :) Anyways, I'm glad that EIDOS is working on it instead of THQ. I mean, first of all, THQ, as apposed to Square Enix/Eidos? Come on, son... Gimmie a break. Secondly, THQ wanted their Avengers game to be first-person -- LAME! I want to actually SEE who I'm playing for, especially in a super hero game. It  takes away from the experience if it's first-person & you don't see the heroes doing their dynamic fighting moves. I don't want to see a random leg appearing from the bottom of the screen to kick someone in the head. I want to see Black Panther, Cap, Widow, Agents May, Coulson & Hill (fingers crossed) ACTUALLY KICK someone in the head. I didn't even like that THQ Avengers footage when it hit the internet years ago. I'm so glad it got canned...


Man, almost every time I look at the time, it's 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, or 12:34. 1 thing's for certain, I've been making wishes every time I see it happen! As many times as it's happened this week alone, it would be great if 2 wishes in particular could come true... ANNND there it is happening again at 12:22!



I can never get this idea out of my head for some reason:
If the original Ghostbusters was made today, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man would be replaced by a giant Pikachu. There's no way anyone can convince me of anything, otherwise. Ray would've thought of Pikachu. In the present time, he would be in his early-to-mid-30's, & would have grown up playing the games & watching the cartoon in his teen or pre-teen years.


Why the heck is Harley Quinn soOo overly-exposed right now? They could have boosted any other character into this level of popularity. They put her in Suicide Squad movie & now we’ve got a Batman & Harley Quinn movie? Sheesh. From a business standpoint, I totally get them saying “Well, Batman’s popular. Harley's popular right now. Harley comes from Batman. Let’s make a movie called 'Batman & Harley Quinn'.” Ok, sure, that’s a no-brainer from that perspective. But from this consumer’s perspective, I’m like “…Eww! Enough! Go away.” & about Suicide Squad: So, basically anyone can be Harley Quinn -- all you need is a bat (or mallet), a gun -- & ta-da! You can survive Task Force: X’s first mission. Anyways, I just want to remind THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD that IGN made a “
100 Greatest Comic Book Villains” list years ago. I can still remember how surprised & utterly appalled I was that Harley EVEN MADE THE LIST. Oh, but that’s not even the half of it. You see, I then turned my attention to the fact that she’s ranked higher on the list (at #45) than the likes of Doomsday (#46), Thanos (#47), Mephisto (#48), The Penguin (#51), Hob-Goblin (#57), Kang the Conqueror (#65), Mr. Freeze (#67), Carnage (#90), & even Parallax (#92). I was like “DUDE! How the heck is she ranked higher? Why is she even on here?” Their little paragraph next to her spot on the list
didn’t help clarify things either! Ever hear the phrase “Cool by association.”? Well, that’s all I could think of, as to why she’s even on this list -- or rather, she’s only villainous by association. I’d just like to point out that according to IGN, she’s a greater villain than Mephisto. Mephisto! Let that sink in for a moment. She’s a greater villain than The Devil. Her? Really? So, in other words, just to clarify, you can be an acrobatic lunatic with a mallet, a gun, & grease paint on your face & somehow be a greater villain than The Devil himself. Like… Wow... Just, wow. I don’t even know what to say about that. I mean… that just broke my brain. This IGN list came out in 2009, it’s now 2017, & now we have her being a hero -- or anti-hero -- or... WHATEVER THE HECK SHE IS! Gee, I guess IGN is going to have to make a brand new 100 Greatest Comic Book Heroes list now, just to accommodate Harley’s so-called heroism. If they do, don’t be surprised if she’s ranked WAY HIGHER than Wonder Woman, Captain America, half of the silver age Avengers, & every single hero that ever used the name Captain Marvel -- & they rank her just barely behind the likes of Batman, Superman, & Spider-Man… Ugh…


Over the Summer, & I think a little before it, I've seen quite a few black female cosplayers change their names. I don't know if this is a trend that picked up or what, but I hope that it's over because it might make it harder to keep up with what their up to. It had to have been 5 or 6 women from what I can recall.



The Summer isn't over yet, but I must say, 1 of the most ironic things I saw this Summer thus far was a guy driving while either reading something on his phone or texting on it. He was driving a van which had the words "First Aid Training" on the side of it. I thought to myself "Wow, that's most likely going to be the most ironic thing I see the rest of the year!" As he passed by, I don't think I saw him point his head toward the road once.

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